It’s always the little things

Hi Jayden,

Just a quick one today.  You never cease to amaze me.  Last night, I served you dinner, nothing special, steak, some boxed Parmesan Alfredo pasta (although it came out fantastic I’ll give it that) and some steamed green beans (with maple syrup on them so you’d eat them).  About 2 min after you started eating I hear “I like this dinner mommy…thank you for making it for me” “You’re welcome Jayden I’m glad you like it” (this part is pretty normal you thank me almost every time for your food) “I appreeeeciate you making this for me mommy”

We talk about appreciation quite a bit around the house, this is the first time you have every used this word, and used it correctly. Brought a huge smile to my face and warmed my heart.

That’s all for now, time for me to jump in on my days work.  I love you kiddo!


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